Have you forgotten how incredibly strong you are?
You’ve lived through wildfire.
When your soft and starry skin burned
you grew it back thicker, brighter.
Have you forgotten how incredibly resilient you are?
When volcanoes erupted in your body
and the lava paralysed your bones,
you did not just settle yourself in stone.
Have you forgotten how incredibly brave you are?
When sorrow arrived like a tidal wave
and washed you from any island of sense,
you made a lifeboat out of the ruins
and brought yourself back to land, back to breath.
Your courage echoes through the mountains.
It is the single dew drop that sustains an entire desert.
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Have you forgotten how incredibly strong you are?
You’ve lived through wildfire.
When your soft and starry skin burned you grew it back thicker, brighter.
Have you forgotten how incredibly resilient you are?
When volcanoes erupted in your body and the lava paralysed your bones, you did not just settle yourself in stone.
Have you forgotten how incredibly brave you are?
When sorrow arrived like a tidal wave and washed you from any island of sense, you made a lifeboat out of the ruins and brought yourself back to land, back to breath.
Your courage echoes through the mountains. It is the single dew drop that sustains an entire desert.
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