Through the waterways of my body
I am brought into deeper intimacy
with what aches, with all the ways
I have come apart.
When tears rinse my heart, I can feel
the texture of how it breaks.
When my eyes swell up like oceans,
nothing can block the force of their current.
They move through and out of me
cleansing and preparing me
softening and releasing me.
In this salty water, I bow to the Past
and assure it that I am ready
for something else
when the ocean will be as
ephemeral as the glistening
morning dew, suspended on a
rose petal, absorbed by the sunlight.
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Through the waterways of my body
I am brought into deeper intimacy with what aches, with all the ways I have come apart.
When tears rinse my heart, I can feel the texture of how it breaks.
When my eyes swell up like oceans, nothing can block the force of their current.
They move through and out of me cleansing and preparing me
softening and releasing me.
In this salty water, I bow to the Past and assure it that I am ready for something else
when the ocean will be as ephemeral as the glistening morning dew, suspended on a rose petal, absorbed by the sunlight.
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