What seed is rooted deep within you
knowing that you hold the perfect balance
of elements to grow it into life?
What potential stirs at your depths as
a gift entrusted to you to bring into the light?
What reality beyond what the eye can see
wants to be given form through your steady
efforts and attention?
Drop into your belly where a calling is
held, and let those soft longings find their focus.
Let those whispers be the inspiration that
sets your hands into motion
and on the days you hear not a thing,
let the consistency of your hands rouse it from the silence.
Arrive at your table each day like it is an altar
and your work a nourishing prayer you offer to the world.
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What seed is rooted deep within you knowing that you hold the perfect balance of elements to grow it into life?
What potential stirs at your depths as a gift entrusted to you to bring into the light?
What reality beyond what the eye can see wants to be given form through your steady efforts and attention?
Drop into your belly where a calling is held, and let those soft longings find their focus.
Let those whispers be the inspiration that sets your hands into motion
and on the days you hear not a thing, let the consistency of your hands rouse it from the silence.
Arrive at your table each day like it is an altar and your work a nourishing prayer you offer to the world.
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